Your Venice

Your Venice

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How many times did you ask to yourself by visiting a city Why?? How come???
In this section you find an answer about the beautiful city of Venice, discover why you have to behave different or why things are so different from any other city. 
Discover the Venetians habits and rules, make you visit more comfortable and avoid bad surprise or surprise yourself pleasantly.

On April 25th Venice celebrate the city patron, Saint Mark the evangelist. During the Serenissima Republic period they use to organize a procession with the participation of the authority either civil and religious, that started form Saint mark’s square.

High tide in Venice is an expression quite in use even on tv news, this is how we called the phenomenon of flooding that periodically happen on high Adriatic sea and has its most visible effects on the Venetian Lagoon.


You don’ t have to spend a fortune to make a mask to join the Venice Carnival! Discover the fundamental secrets to make yourself a mask, you need only few commonly used objects and lot of fantasy!

Carnival is and will always be one of the best feast of Venice. This tradition has a long story that begins way back in the past. The word “Carnival” was used for the first time on a document by doge Vitale Falier about public amusements.

During Carnival eveything is a feast, even the sweets!!! During this period bakeries serve “Frittelle” and all its variations, and “Galani” or “Crostoli” traditionally typical venitian products.

In the past the mask was, and still is, the essence itself of the Carnival, by wearing masks and costumes it is possible to hide completely an identity with absolutely no reference to sex religion and age, social level or whatsoever.

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